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Jake Humphrey

Jake Humphrey

On high performance

Jake Humphrey is the host of the High Performance podcast.

Business man in a suit floating on water

The power of taking time off

As we’re into the summer holidays, it's crucial to remember the profound health benefits of taking time off

Jake Humphrey

Why you need to start thinking differently about diversity

Don't think of diversity as an opportunity to give back, but instead, consider the genuine impact and difference it can make, says our expert Jake Humphrey

Jake Humphrey

Jake Humphrey lessons across pond illustration

7 leadership lessons UK business owners can learn from across the pond

From ensuring you don't collect resentment to viewing other people's success as your own, Jake Humphrey lays out the lessons he's learnt

Jake Humphrey

Smiling businesswoman shaking hands with client before meeting in office

Take responsibility, even if it’s not your fault – it can change your life

Jake Humphrey explores why the balance between fault and responsibility is so vital for business leaders to understand

Jake Humphrey

Finger pointing and people running up stairs canvas

Five laws that spell success and can put you on top in a crowded marketplace

There are hundreds of thousands of podcasts around the world. Many of them focus on the areas that we talk about – mindset, business, high achievement and finding your sense of purpose. A question I get asked all the time is, why has my High Performance podcast been so successful? I think the answer to...

Jake Humphrey