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Magazine mockup - July.August.2024

The Business Leader Magazine

Exclusive insights that will propel your business forward


July/August 2024

Who founded and built billion-pound businesses in the UK? What is the story behind them? What can be learned from them? The new issue of Business Leader has the answers to these questions. We have pulled together a list of founders who have built billion-pound businesses in the UK and are still involved with them today.

In this list, you will find Sir Jim Ratcliffe, Denise Coates and other well-known entrepreneurs, plus a collection of new and emerging businesses, such as Wayve, which is developing the technology to power self-driving cars. Our list shines a spotlight on the stories behind these businesses and how they were built. As you will see, it is a diverse collection of people and businesses.

The issue is packed full of content to help grow your business, inspire breakthroughs and make you a better leader. Our expert columnists help you understand the political and economic landscape in the UK after the general election, we speak to Steve Hare, the chief executive of Sage, about leading a £10bn technology company, and we look at how some businesses have been able to turn themselves into CEO factories that produce a conveyor belt of successful leaders.

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