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Caspar Lee

Caspar Lee


Caspar Lee is the co-founder of Influencer.com and Creator Ventures

A mock up of a billboard with MrBeast and Lil Miquela

AI: Reshaping the future of content creation

It’s my second panel of the day at a tech conference in the Middle East. Glancing at the countdown clock positioned just in front of the audience, I note we have 6 minutes and 20 seconds remaining. Surprisingly, we’ve spent nearly 15 minutes without touching on AI, and I feel proud. We’re probably the only...

Caspar Lee

Illustration of someone falling, Madonna and a phone v2

Welcome to the brave new world of bio-preneurs

It’s 5 AM and I’m aimlessly scrolling through Instagram as I battle my two-hour jet lag for the sixth night in a row since a trip to South Africa. My circadian rhythm is pathetic, and I don’t have enough self-control to charge my phone in another room. I’ve also broken my New Year’s resolution which...

Caspar Lee