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Talent & Culture

Why you need to start thinking differently about diversity

Don't think of diversity as an opportunity to give back, but instead, consider the genuine impact and difference it can make, says our expert Jake Humphrey

Jake Humphrey

Catherine Baker shift mindset illustration

Under pressure? Learn to control your emotions, shift your mindset and self-talk

Our emotions can help our performance, but they can also hinder it; our ability to manage them is critical to sustained long-term performance

Catherine Baker

Tom Beahon build career illustration

Passion, optimism and humour: 5 tips to building a career you’ll love

For ambitious young talent, it's important to remember that hard work, passion and kindness go a long way

Tom Beahon

Zara Nanu unfinished business illustration

Let’s narrow the divide on the unfinished business of pay gaps

Despite a reduction in the gender pay gap, true equity remains elusive. Business must adopt a more holistic and strategic approach.

Zara Nanu

Chill out Lunch photo innocent drinks

Innocent Drinks on why culture is key to its success

Emilie Stephenson, UK head of force for good at Innocent Drinks, explains how a great business culture comes from the right blend of ingredients

Patricia Cullen

Niki Turner-Harding attract and retain talent illustration

You need to attract and retain a multi-generational workforce. Here’s how

Our candidate pool has never been richer, wider, or more diverse, but to unlock its firepower, we must take front-footed routes to engagement, rewards, and retention, says Niki Turner-Harding

Niki Turner-Harding

Positivity in the workplace demonstrated by a yellow smiling ball in the office interior

Do wellness programmes really work? 

Many businesses claim to have put a focus on wellbeing, but do such programmes really help tackle burnout and nurture a supportive workplace culture? 

Patricia Cullen

Business leaders stand around a table

How to preserve tacit knowledge 

Companies are usually reasonably good at preserving knowledge around processes and operations but fare less well when it comes to tacit knowledge. With staff turnover still high and sickness on the up, that’s a problem

Patricia Cullen

The purpose paradigm: Fact or fiction?

Niki Turner-Harding looks into the rise of purpose as a priority for the workforce and why it's going to be important in the future.

Niki Turner-Harding

Mother working from home on her laptop while taking care of her child at home

The infrastructure investment needed for gender equality

Infrastructure investment too often means large-scale construction projects when what women need is funding for affordable childcare, says Zara Nanu

Zara Nanu

A lady working at her computer with a fan

Menopause: Is your workplace leading or lagging?

Menopause is rising up the workplace agenda, but there is still much more for businesses to do to ensure women feel supported

Patricia Cullen

How to handle layoffs as the recession begins to bite

Redundancies are sometimes necessary but there are ways to conduct the process to make it easier for staff and managers

James Cook

Two hands with male and female symbols

How close are we to gender parity in 2024?

Imagine Sarah and John, both nearing retirement. Sarah faces a daunting 19-year extension to her career just to reach the same pension savings John has amassed. The Pensions Policy Institute’s...

Patricia Cullen

Two hands on a mouse

The business of love: Managing workplace relationships

Richard and Judy, the duo who co-hosted “This Morning” between October 1988 and July 2001, met while working together at Granada TV in the North West of England. Their professional...

Patricia Cullen

A factory with two people working machinery and the BrewDog logo on the floor

From toxic workplace to best employer: BrewDog’s astonishing turnaround

A crisis is a sliding doors moment for any business. A reputation built up over decades can be destroyed in hours by a botched response to a major issue. Controversy...

Patricia Cullen